./specifications/heccer/c1c2p2 | create a neutral object with a compartment as a child, check if |
./specifications/heccer/channel1-nernst1 | Channel and Nernst equation integration |
./specifications/heccer/channel2-nernst1 | Channel and Nernst equation integration |
./specifications/heccer/double | create a neutral object with a compartment as a child, check if |
./specifications/heccer/heccerreset | create a neutral object with a compartment as a child, check if |
./specifications/heccer/passive | passive model testing |
./specifications/heccer/pool-feedback | pool integration, one compartment, one pool with a feedback loop |
./specifications/heccer/pool-nernst | concentration dependent nernst potential calculation |
./specifications/heccer/pools | Pool integration & related |
./specifications/heccer/springmass | synaptic equation test. |
./specifications/heccer/table-kc | Gate tabulation |
./specifications/heccer/table-kdr | Gate tabulation |
./specifications/heccer/tables | Gate tabulation |