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Index of group ./specifications/core/getfield


create a compartment, set its fields and then copy it

1. Can we perform a getfield on each of the compartments parameters (fields)?
2. Can we perform a getfield from a heccer solved variable?

1. Can we perform a getfield on each of the compartments parameters (fields)?

Startup command : src/ns-sli ..//tests/scripts/genesis-2/getfield.g

1.1. Can we perform getfield on compartment parameters?

1. Expected output
Echoing each field via getfield

2. Can we perform a getfield from a heccer solved variable?

Startup command : src/ns-sli ..//tests/scripts/heccer/springmass1.g

2.1. Can we get the field for the voltage potential from compartment 1 in springmass1.?

1. Executed command
echo {"Vm = " @ {getfield /hardcoded_neutral/c1 Vm}}
2. Expected output
Vm = -0.0791698

2.2. Can we read voltage potential from compartment 2 in springmass1.g?

1. Executed command
echo {"Vm = " @ {getfield /hardcoded_neutral/c2 Vm}}
2. Expected output
Vm = -0.0791697