1. Single compartment conversion |
2. Converted single compartment run from ssp |
3. Single compartment conversion, with sodium channel |
4. Converted single compartment run from ssp |
1. Executed command | setclock 0 5e-5 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create neutral /n |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create compartment /n/c |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setfield /n/c Cm 4.57537e-11 Rm 3.58441e+08 Ra 360502 len 1 dia 1 initVm -0.068 Eleak -0.080 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "expand /**" |
2. Expected output | - /proto - /output - /n - /n/c |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "expand /n/**" |
2. Expected output | - /n - /n/c |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf STDOUT /n/**" |
2. Expected output | #!neurospacesparse // -*- NEUROSPACES -*- NEUROSPACES NDF PRIVATE_MODELS GROUP "proto_3_3" END GROUP CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto_inserted_3" END CHILD GROUP "output_4_4" END GROUP CHILD "output_4_4" "output_inserted_4" END CHILD SEGMENT "c_6_6" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( ELEAK = -0.08 ), PARAMETER ( Vm_init = -0.068 ), PARAMETER ( DIA = 1 ), PARAMETER ( LENGTH = 1 ), PARAMETER ( RA = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 360502 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( RM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 3.58441e+08 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( CM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 4.57537e-11 ), ), ), END PARAMETERS END SEGMENT CHILD "c_6_6" "c_inserted_6" END CHILD GROUP "n_5_5" CHILD "c_6_6" "c" END CHILD END GROUP CHILD "n_5_5" "n_inserted_5" END CHILD END PRIVATE_MODELS PUBLIC_MODELS CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto" END CHILD CHILD "output_4_4" "output" END CHILD CHILD "n_5_5" "n" END CHILD END PUBLIC_MODELS |
1. Executed command | setfield /n/c inject 1e-9 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf STDOUT /n/**" |
2. Expected output | #!neurospacesparse // -*- NEUROSPACES -*- NEUROSPACES NDF PRIVATE_MODELS GROUP "proto_3_3" END GROUP CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto_inserted_3" END CHILD GROUP "output_4_4" END GROUP CHILD "output_4_4" "output_inserted_4" END CHILD SEGMENT "c_6_6" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( INJECT = 1e-09 ), PARAMETER ( ELEAK = -0.08 ), PARAMETER ( Vm_init = -0.068 ), PARAMETER ( DIA = 1 ), PARAMETER ( LENGTH = 1 ), PARAMETER ( RA = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 360502 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( RM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 3.58441e+08 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( CM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 4.57537e-11 ), ), ), END PARAMETERS END SEGMENT CHILD "c_6_6" "c_inserted_6" END CHILD GROUP "n_5_5" CHILD "c_6_6" "c" END CHILD END GROUP CHILD "n_5_5" "n_inserted_5" END CHILD END PRIVATE_MODELS PUBLIC_MODELS CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto" END CHILD CHILD "output_4_4" "output" END CHILD CHILD "n_5_5" "n" END CHILD END PUBLIC_MODELS |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf /tmp/conversion1.ndf /n/**" |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create asc_file /out |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setfield /out filename "/tmp/conversion1.txt" flush 1 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | addmsg /n/c /out SAVE Vm |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | reset |
2. Expected output |
2. Expected output | genesis |
1. Executed command | call /neurospaces_integrator NSINTEGRATOR_DUMP |
2. Expected output | Heccer (pcName) : (/n) Heccer (iStatus) : (20) Heccer (iErrorCount) : (0) Heccer Options (iOptions) : (0) Heccer Options (dIntervalStart) : (-0.1) Heccer Options (dIntervalEnd) : (0.05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateStart) : (4e-05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateEnd) : (0.3) Heccer Options (iIntervalEntries) : (3000) Heccer Options (iSmallTableSize) : (149) Heccer (dTime) : (0) Heccer (dStep) : (5e-05) Intermediary (iCompartments) : (1) Compartment (mc.iType) : (1) Compartment (iParent) : (-1) Compartment (dCm) : (4.57537e-11) Compartment (dEm) : (-0.08) Compartment (dInitVm) : (-0.068) Compartment (dInject) : (1e-09) Compartment (dRa) : (360502) Compartment (dRm) : (3.58441e+08) MinimumDegree (iEntries) : (1) MinimumDegree (piChildren[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piForward[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piBackward[0]) : (0) Tables (iTabulatedGateCount) : (0) Compartment operations ----- 00000 :: FINISH 00001 :: FINISH Mechanism operations ----- 00000 :: COMPARTMENT -2.23189e-10 1e-09 546404 1.00152 00001 :: FINISH VM Diagonals (pdDiagonals[0]) : (1.00152) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[0]) : (0) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[1]) : (0) VM Membrane Potentials (pdVms[0]) : (-0.068) |
1. Executed command | echo "ready to go" |
2. Expected output | ready to go |
1. Executed command | step 0.01 -time |
2. Expected output | completed |
1. Executed command | quit |
2. Expected output |
1. Expected output | application_output_file: /tmp/conversion1.txt expected_output_file: ..//tests/specifications/strings/conversion1.txt |
1. Preparation needed before the commands below : | Create the output/ directory |
2. And repared afterwards using : | Remove the generated output files in the output/ directory |
1. Expected output | Heccer (pcName) : (unnamed test) Heccer (iStatus) : (20) Heccer (iErrorCount) : (0) Heccer Options (iOptions) : (0) Heccer Options (dIntervalStart) : (-0.1) Heccer Options (dIntervalEnd) : (0.05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateStart) : (4e-05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateEnd) : (0.3) Heccer Options (iIntervalEntries) : (3000) Heccer Options (iSmallTableSize) : (149) Heccer (dTime) : (0) Heccer (dStep) : (5e-05) Intermediary (iCompartments) : (1) Compartment (mc.iType) : (1) Compartment (iParent) : (-1) Compartment (dCm) : (4.57537e-11) Compartment (dEm) : (-0.08) Compartment (dInitVm) : (-0.068) Compartment (dInject) : (1e-09) Compartment (dRa) : (360502) Compartment (dRm) : (3.58441e+08) MinimumDegree (iEntries) : (1) MinimumDegree (piChildren[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piForward[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piBackward[0]) : (0) Tables (iTabulatedGateCount) : (0) Compartment operations ----- 00000 :: FINISH 00001 :: FINISH Mechanism operations ----- 00000 :: COMPARTMENT -2.23189e-10 1e-09 546404 1.00152 00001 :: FINISH VM Diagonals (pdDiagonals[0]) : (1.00152) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[0]) : (0) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[1]) : (0) VM Membrane Potentials (pdVms[0]) : (-0.068) |
1. Expected output | application_output_file: ..//output/n.out expected_output_file: ..//tests/specifications/strings/conversion1-ssp.txt |
1. Executed command | setclock 0 5e-5 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create neutral /n |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create compartment /n/c |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setfield /n/c Cm 4.57537e-11 Rm 3.58441e+08 Ra 360502 len 1 dia 1 initVm -0.068 Eleak -0.080 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create tabchannel /n/c/naf |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setfield /n/c/naf Ek 0.045 Gbar 0.0002092393115 Ik 0.0 Gk 0.0 Xpower 3.0 Ypower 1.0 Zpower 0.0 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setupalpha /n/c/naf X 35.0e3 0.0 0.0 0.005 -10.0e-3 7.0e3 0.0 0.0 0.065 20.0e-3 -size 3000 -range -0.1 0.05 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setupalpha /n/c/naf Y 0.225e3 0.0 1.0 0.08 10.0e-3 7.5e3 0.0 0.0 -0.003 -18.0e-3 -size 3000 -range -0.1 0.05 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | addmsg /n/c /n/c/naf VOLTAGE Vm addmsg /n/c/naf /n/c CHANNEL Gk Ek |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "expand /**" |
2. Expected output | - /proto - /output - /n - /n/c - /n/c/naf - /n/c/naf/HH_activation - /n/c/naf/HH_activation/A - /n/c/naf/HH_activation/B - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation/A - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation/B |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "expand /n/**" |
2. Expected output | - /n - /n/c - /n/c/naf - /n/c/naf/HH_activation - /n/c/naf/HH_activation/A - /n/c/naf/HH_activation/B - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation/A - /n/c/naf/HH_inactivation/B |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf STDOUT /n/**" |
2. Expected output | #!neurospacesparse // -*- NEUROSPACES -*- NEUROSPACES NDF PRIVATE_MODELS GROUP "proto_3_3" END GROUP CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto_inserted_3" END CHILD GROUP "output_4_4" END GROUP CHILD "output_4_4" "output_inserted_4" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "A_9_9" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = -0.01 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.005 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 35000 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "A_9_9" "A_inserted_9" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "B_10_10" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = 0.02 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.065 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 7000 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "B_10_10" "B_inserted_10" END CHILD HH_GATE "HH_activation_8_8" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( POWER = 3 ), PARAMETER ( state_init = -1 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "A_9_9" "A" END CHILD CHILD "B_10_10" "B" END CHILD END HH_GATE CHILD "HH_activation_8_8" "HH_activation_inserted_8" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "A_12_12" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = 0.01 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.08 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 225 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "A_12_12" "A_inserted_12" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "B_13_13" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = -0.018 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = -0.003 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 7500 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "B_13_13" "B_inserted_13" END CHILD HH_GATE "HH_inactivation_11_11" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( POWER = 1 ), PARAMETER ( state_init = -1 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "A_12_12" "A" END CHILD CHILD "B_13_13" "B" END CHILD END HH_GATE CHILD "HH_inactivation_11_11" "HH_inactivation_inserted_11" END CHILD CHANNEL "naf_7_7" BINDABLES INPUT Vm, OUTPUT G, OUTPUT I, END BINDABLES BINDINGS INPUT ..->Vm, END BINDINGS PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( G_MAX = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 0.000209239 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( Erev = 0.045 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "HH_activation_8_8" "HH_activation" END CHILD CHILD "HH_inactivation_11_11" "HH_inactivation" END CHILD END CHANNEL CHILD "naf_7_7" "naf_inserted_7" END CHILD SEGMENT "c_6_6" BINDINGS INPUT naf->I, END BINDINGS PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( ELEAK = -0.08 ), PARAMETER ( Vm_init = -0.068 ), PARAMETER ( DIA = 1 ), PARAMETER ( LENGTH = 1 ), PARAMETER ( RA = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 360502 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( RM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 3.58441e+08 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( CM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 4.57537e-11 ), ), ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "naf_7_7" "naf" END CHILD END SEGMENT CHILD "c_6_6" "c_inserted_6" END CHILD GROUP "n_5_5" CHILD "c_6_6" "c" END CHILD END GROUP CHILD "n_5_5" "n_inserted_5" END CHILD END PRIVATE_MODELS PUBLIC_MODELS CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto" END CHILD CHILD "output_4_4" "output" END CHILD CHILD "n_5_5" "n" END CHILD END PUBLIC_MODELS |
1. Executed command | setfield /n/c inject 1e-9 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf STDOUT /n/**" |
2. Expected output | #!neurospacesparse // -*- NEUROSPACES -*- NEUROSPACES NDF PRIVATE_MODELS GROUP "proto_3_3" END GROUP CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto_inserted_3" END CHILD GROUP "output_4_4" END GROUP CHILD "output_4_4" "output_inserted_4" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "A_9_9" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = -0.01 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.005 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 35000 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "A_9_9" "A_inserted_9" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "B_10_10" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = 0.02 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.065 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 7000 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "B_10_10" "B_inserted_10" END CHILD HH_GATE "HH_activation_8_8" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( POWER = 3 ), PARAMETER ( state_init = -1 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "A_9_9" "A" END CHILD CHILD "B_10_10" "B" END CHILD END HH_GATE CHILD "HH_activation_8_8" "HH_activation_inserted_8" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "A_12_12" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = 0.01 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = 0.08 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 225 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "A_12_12" "A_inserted_12" END CHILD GATE_KINETIC "B_13_13" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Tau = -0.018 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Offset_E = -0.003 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Add = 0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Factor_Flag = -1 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Mult = -0 ), PARAMETER ( HH_AB_Scale = 7500 ), END PARAMETERS END GATE_KINETIC CHILD "B_13_13" "B_inserted_13" END CHILD HH_GATE "HH_inactivation_11_11" PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( POWER = 1 ), PARAMETER ( state_init = -1 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "A_12_12" "A" END CHILD CHILD "B_13_13" "B" END CHILD END HH_GATE CHILD "HH_inactivation_11_11" "HH_inactivation_inserted_11" END CHILD CHANNEL "naf_7_7" BINDABLES INPUT Vm, OUTPUT G, OUTPUT I, END BINDABLES BINDINGS INPUT ..->Vm, END BINDINGS PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( G_MAX = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 0.000209239 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( Erev = 0.045 ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "HH_activation_8_8" "HH_activation" END CHILD CHILD "HH_inactivation_11_11" "HH_inactivation" END CHILD END CHANNEL CHILD "naf_7_7" "naf_inserted_7" END CHILD SEGMENT "c_6_6" BINDINGS INPUT naf->I, END BINDINGS PARAMETERS PARAMETER ( INJECT = 1e-09 ), PARAMETER ( ELEAK = -0.08 ), PARAMETER ( Vm_init = -0.068 ), PARAMETER ( DIA = 1 ), PARAMETER ( LENGTH = 1 ), PARAMETER ( RA = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 360502 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( RM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 3.58441e+08 ), ), ), PARAMETER ( CM = GENESIS2 ( PARAMETER ( scale = 1 ), PARAMETER ( value = 4.57537e-11 ), ), ), END PARAMETERS CHILD "naf_7_7" "naf" END CHILD END SEGMENT CHILD "c_6_6" "c_inserted_6" END CHILD GROUP "n_5_5" CHILD "c_6_6" "c" END CHILD END GROUP CHILD "n_5_5" "n_inserted_5" END CHILD END PRIVATE_MODELS PUBLIC_MODELS CHILD "proto_3_3" "proto" END CHILD CHILD "output_4_4" "output" END CHILD CHILD "n_5_5" "n" END CHILD END PUBLIC_MODELS |
1. Executed command | call model_container NEUROSPACES_COMMAND "export library ndf /tmp/conversion2.ndf /n/**" |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | create asc_file /out |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | setfield /out filename "/tmp/conversion2.txt" flush 1 |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | addmsg /n/c /out SAVE Vm |
2. Expected output |
1. Executed command | reset |
2. Expected output |
2. Expected output | genesis |
1. Executed command | call /neurospaces_integrator NSINTEGRATOR_DUMP |
2. Expected output | Heccer (pcName) : (/n) Heccer (iStatus) : (20) Heccer (iErrorCount) : (0) Heccer Options (iOptions) : (0) Heccer Options (dIntervalStart) : (-0.1) Heccer Options (dIntervalEnd) : (0.05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateStart) : (4e-05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateEnd) : (0.3) Heccer Options (iIntervalEntries) : (3000) Heccer Options (iSmallTableSize) : (149) Heccer (dTime) : (0) Heccer (dStep) : (5e-05) Intermediary (iCompartments) : (1) Compartment (mc.iType) : (1) Compartment (iParent) : (-1) Compartment (dCm) : (4.57537e-11) Compartment (dEm) : (-0.08) Compartment (dInitVm) : (-0.068) Compartment (dInject) : (1e-09) Compartment (dRa) : (360502) Compartment (dRm) : (3.58441e+08) MinimumDegree (iEntries) : (1) MinimumDegree (piChildren[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piForward[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piBackward[0]) : (0) Tables (iTabulatedGateCount) : (2) Compartment operations ----- 00000 :: FINISH 00001 :: FINISH Mechanism operations ----- 00000 :: COMPARTMENT -2.23189e-10 1e-09 546404 1.00152 00001 :: INITIALIZECHANNEL 0.045 0.000209239 00002 :: LOADVOLTAGETABLE 00003 :: CONCEPTGATE 0 3 (nil) 0.00778252 00004 :: CONCEPTGATE 1 1 (nil) 0.265266 00005 :: UPDATECOMPARTMENTCURRENT 00006 :: FINISH VM Diagonals (pdDiagonals[0]) : (1.00152) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[0]) : (0) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[1]) : (0) VM Membrane Potentials (pdVms[0]) : (-0.068) |
1. Executed command | echo "ready to go" |
2. Expected output | ready to go |
1. Executed command | step 0.01 -time |
2. Expected output | completed |
1. Executed command | quit |
2. Expected output |
1. Expected output | application_output_file: /tmp/conversion2.txt expected_output_file: ..//tests/specifications/strings/conversion2.txt |
1. Preparation needed before the commands below : | Create the output/ directory |
2. And repared afterwards using : | Remove the generated output files in the output/ directory |
1. Expected output | Heccer (pcName) : (unnamed test) Heccer (iStatus) : (20) Heccer (iErrorCount) : (0) Heccer Options (iOptions) : (0) Heccer Options (dIntervalStart) : (-0.1) Heccer Options (dIntervalEnd) : (0.05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateStart) : (4e-05) Heccer Options (dConcentrationGateEnd) : (0.3) Heccer Options (iIntervalEntries) : (3000) Heccer Options (iSmallTableSize) : (149) Heccer (dTime) : (0) Heccer (dStep) : (5e-05) Intermediary (iCompartments) : (1) Compartment (mc.iType) : (1) Compartment (iParent) : (-1) Compartment (dCm) : (4.57537e-11) Compartment (dEm) : (-0.08) Compartment (dInitVm) : (-0.068) Compartment (dInject) : (1e-09) Compartment (dRa) : (360502) Compartment (dRm) : (3.58441e+08) MinimumDegree (iEntries) : (1) MinimumDegree (piChildren[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piForward[0]) : (0) MinimumDegree (piBackward[0]) : (0) Tables (iTabulatedGateCount) : (2) Tabulated gate 0, interval (dStart) : (-0.1) Tabulated gate 0, interval (dEnd) : (0.05) Tabulated gate 0, interval (dStep) : (5e-05) Tabulated gate 0, interpolation (iShape) : (0) Tabulated gate 0, (iEntries) : (3000) Tabulated gate 1, interval (dStart) : (-0.1) Tabulated gate 1, interval (dEnd) : (0.05) Tabulated gate 1, interval (dStep) : (5e-05) Tabulated gate 1, interpolation (iShape) : (0) Tabulated gate 1, (iEntries) : (3000) Compartment operations ----- 00000 :: FINISH 00001 :: FINISH Mechanism operations ----- 00000 :: COMPARTMENT -2.23189e-10 1e-09 546404 1.00152 00001 :: INITIALIZECHANNEL 0.045 0.000209239 00002 :: LOADVOLTAGETABLE 00003 :: CONCEPTGATE 0 3 (nil) 0.00778252 00004 :: CONCEPTGATE 1 1 (nil) 0.265266 00005 :: UPDATECOMPARTMENTCURRENT 00006 :: FINISH VM Diagonals (pdDiagonals[0]) : (1.00152) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[0]) : (0) VM Axial Resistances (pdResults[1]) : (0) VM Membrane Potentials (pdVms[0]) : (-0.068) |
1. Expected output | application_output_file: ..//output/n.out expected_output_file: ..//tests/specifications/strings/conversion2-ssp.txt |