Main Neurospaces logo neurospaces 0.1675 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:58:18 -0600 hugo

Index of group ./specifications/projectionquery


projection query caching

1. Projection query caches : saving, loading and examination of projection queries

1. Projection query caches : saving, loading and examination of projection queries

This command definition is currently disabled (disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made. This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly. Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

Startup command : ./neurospacesparse -v 1 -q legacy/networks/network-test.ndf

1.1. Is neurospaces startup successful ?

1. Part of expected output
./neurospacesparse: No errors for .+?/legacy/networks/network-test.ndf.
2. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.2. Load the projectionquery cache.

1. Executed command
pqload c projectionqueries/complete
2. Part of expected output
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.3. Are the projectionquery flags ok, have ordered caches been built ?

1. Executed command
2. Part of expected output
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.4. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery cache, caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount c
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 424161
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.5. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery cache, non-cache mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount n
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 0
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.6. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery for the first Golgi cell's domain mapper, caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount c /CerebellarCortex/Golgis/0/Golgi_soma/spikegen
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 624
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.7. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery for the first Golgi cell's domain mapper, non-caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount n /CerebellarCortex/Golgis/0/Golgi_soma/spikegen
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 0
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.8. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery for the first Golgi cell's parallel fiber synapse, caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount c /CerebellarCortex/Golgis/0/Golgi_soma/pf_AMPA/synapse
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 4452
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.9. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery for the first Golgi cell's parallel fiber synapse, non-caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount n /CerebellarCortex/Golgis/0/Golgi_soma/pf_AMPA/synapse
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 0
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.10. What is the number of connections in the defined projectionquery for a synapse in the fifth purkinje cell, caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqcount c /CerebellarCortex/Purkinjes/5/segments/b0s03[24]/Purkinje_spine_0/head/par/synapse
2. Part of expected output
#connections = 32
3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')

1.11. Are the connections in the defined projectionquery for a synapse in the fifth purkinje cell properly defined, caching mode ?

1. Executed command
pqtraverse c /CerebellarCortex/Purkinjes/5/segments/b0s03[24]/Purkinje_spine_0/head/par/synapse
2. Part of expected output
Connection (00000)
        CCONN  pre(4123.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000723,2.000000)

Connection (00001)
        CCONN  pre(7533.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002088,2.000000)

Connection (00002)
        CCONN  pre(9711.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001117,2.000000)

Connection (00003)
        CCONN  pre(12813.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002067,2.000000)

Connection (00004)
        CCONN  pre(15937.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002957,2.000000)

Connection (00005)
        CCONN  pre(19765.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000512,2.000000)

Connection (00006)
        CCONN  pre(23967.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002693,2.000000)

Connection (00007)
        CCONN  pre(25045.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000448,2.000000)

Connection (00008)
        CCONN  pre(25881.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001731,2.000000)

Connection (00009)
        CCONN  pre(30039.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000923,2.000000)

Connection (00010)
        CCONN  pre(32481.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001346,2.000000)

Connection (00011)
        CCONN  pre(41061.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000273,2.000000)

Connection (00012)
        CCONN  pre(42359.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002869,2.000000)

Connection (00013)
        CCONN  pre(48981.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000234,2.000000)

Connection (00014)
        CCONN  pre(50015.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002540,2.000000)

Connection (00015)
        CCONN  pre(53623.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001272,2.000000)

Connection (00016)
        CCONN  pre(56285.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001225,2.000000)

Connection (00017)
        CCONN  pre(59057.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000932,2.000000)

Connection (00018)
        CCONN  pre(66031.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002945,2.000000)

Connection (00019)
        CCONN  pre(68759.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002952,2.000000)

Connection (00020)
        CCONN  pre(70035.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000714,2.000000)

Connection (00021)
        CCONN  pre(73709.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002480,2.000000)

Connection (00022)
        CCONN  pre(74171.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002643,2.000000)

Connection (00023)
        CCONN  pre(78021.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000630,2.000000)

Connection (00024)
        CCONN  pre(94939.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002663,2.000000)

Connection (00025)
        CCONN  pre(96193.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000620,2.000000)

Connection (00026)
        CCONN  pre(118787.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002838,2.000000)

Connection (00027)
        CCONN  pre(121053.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001988,2.000000)

Connection (00028)
        CCONN  pre(133967.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001353,2.000000)

Connection (00029)
        CCONN  pre(136409.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.000921,2.000000)

Connection (00030)
        CCONN  pre(136629.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.001408,2.000000)

Connection (00031)
        CCONN  pre(137113.000000) -> post(270536.000000)
        CCONN  Delay, Weight (0.002498,2.000000)

3. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'The projectionquery cache needs to be regenerated with serials that are corrected for the order corrections of algorithm symbols that were recently made.  This means that first (struct symtab_Connection *) must use alien typing such that SymbolParameterResolveValue() can be called correctly.  Currently QueryMachineNeuroConnectionStore() gives a SEGV after calling the pqsave command.')