Main Neurospaces logo neurospaces 0.1675 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:58:18 -0600 hugo

Index of group ./specifications/parameters/segments


segment parameter calculations and error signaling

1. Parameter calculations on dendrites of the standard Purkinje cell model

1. Parameter calculations on dendrites of the standard Purkinje cell model

Startup command : ./neurospacesparse -v 1 -q tests/segments/soma.ndf

1.1. Is neurospaces startup successful ?

1. Part of expected output
./neurospacesparse: No errors for .+?/tests/segments/soma.ndf.

1.2. Does the soma have an unscaled capacitance ?

1. Executed command
printparameter /soma CM
2. Part of expected output
= 0.0164

1.3. Does the soma have a scaled capacitance (should not) ?

1. Executed command
printparameterscaled /soma CM
2. Part of expected output
= 1.79769e+308

1.4. Does the soma have an unscaled membrane resistance ?

1. Executed command
printparameter /soma RM
2. Part of expected output
= 1

1.5. Does the soma have a scaled membrane resistance (should not) ?

1. Executed command
printparameterscaled /soma RM
2. Part of expected output
= 1.79769e+308

1.6. Does the soma have an unscaled axial resistance ?

1. Executed command
printparameter /soma RA
2. Part of expected output
= 2.5

1.7. Does the soma have a scaled axial resistance (should not) ?

1. Executed command
printparameterscaled /soma RA
2. Part of expected output
= 1.79769e+308