Main Neurospaces logo neurospaces 0.1675 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:58:18 -0600 hugo

Index of group ./specifications/code/biolevels


C code biolevels and biogroups

1. Consistency of symbol types and biolevels and biogroups

1. Consistency of symbol types and biolevels and biogroups

01: $VAR1 = sub {
02:             use strict 'refs';
03:             my $self = shift @_;
04:             my $config = shift @_;
05:             my $directory = $$config{'c_code'}{'directory'};
06:             my $symboltypes_header = `cat "$directory/hierarchy/output/symbols/type_defines.h"`;
07:             if (not $symboltypes_header) {
08:                 $symboltypes_header = `cat "$directory/_build/hierarchy/output/symbols/type_defines.h"`;
09:             }
10:             my $types = [grep({/#define HIERARCHY_TYPE_/;} split(/\n/, $symboltypes_header, 0))];
11:             print "Found $#$types + 1 symbol types\n";
12:             my $type_count = [grep({/^#define COUNT_HIERARCHY_TYPE/;} split(/\n/, $symboltypes_header, 0))];
13:             if ($#$type_count != 0) {
14:                 return 'Found more than one symbol type count';
15:             }
16:             $$type_count[0] =~ /([0-9]+)/;
17:             $type_count = $1;
18:             print "Found count of $type_count symbol types\n";
19:             if ($#$types + 1 != $type_count) {
20:                 return "Mismatch of type count ($#$types + 1 vs $type_count)";
21:             }
22:             my $definitions_impl = `cat $directory/hierarchy/output/symbols/annotations/piSymbolType2Biolevel`;
23:             if (not $definitions_impl) {
24:                 $definitions_impl = `cat "$directory/_build/hierarchy/output/symbols/annotations/piSymbolType2Biolevel"`;
25:             }
26:             my $biolevelmapping = $definitions_impl;
27:             $biolevelmapping = [split(m[, //], $biolevelmapping, 0)];
28:             my $biolevelmapping_count = scalar(@$biolevelmapping) - 1 - 1;
29:             print "Found $biolevelmapping_count entries in the biolevelmapping.\n";
30:             if ($biolevelmapping_count != $type_count) {
31:                 return "Mismatch of count for symbol types and their biolevel mapping ($biolevelmapping_count vs $type_count)";
32:             }
33:             return undef;
34:         };

1.1. count match for symbol types

1. Part of expected output