Main Neurospaces logo neurospaces 0.1675 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:58:18 -0600 hugo

Index of group ./specifications/code/allocations


symbol allocations and alias creation

1. Alias creation count consistency checker

1. Alias creation count consistency checker

This command definition is currently disabled (disabled is 'This test worked until I added code for automatic generation of the grammar rules. Likely this made hierarchy/symbols more complicated such that this test triggers bugs in Data::Transormator.')

01: $VAR1 = sub {
02:             use strict 'refs';
03:             my $self = shift @_;
04:             my $config = shift @_;
05:             my $directory = $$config{'c_code'}{'directory'};
06:             my $symbol_hierarchy = do "$directory/hierarchy/symbols";
07:             require Data::Transformator;
08:             my $transformator = 'Data::Transformator'->new('apply_identity_transformation', 0, 'name', 'symbol-alias-selector', 'contents', $symbol_hierarchy, 'separator', '/', 'hash_filter', sub {
09:                 my($context, $component) = @_;
10:                 if ($$context{'path'} =~ m[^[^/]*/class_hierarchy/([^/]*)/allows/create_alias$]) {
11:                     my $symbol = $1;
12:                     my $type = Data::Transformator::_context_get_current_content($context);
13:                     my $result = Data::Transformator::_context_get_main_result($context);
14:                     if (not $$result{'content'}) {
15:                         $$result{'content'} = [];
16:                     }
17:                     push @{$$result{'content'};}, [$symbol, $type];
18:                 }
19:                 1;
20:             }
21:             );
22:             my $create_alias_selection = $transformator->transform;
23:             my $symbols_with_aliasses = $#$create_alias_selection + 1;
24:             my $code_calls_grep = [`cd $directory/components ; grep -n SymbolIncrementAliases *.c`];
25:             my $code_calls = $#$code_calls_grep + 1;
26:             if ($symbols_with_aliasses eq $code_calls) {
27:                 print "Found $symbols_with_aliasses create_alias declarations (in $directory)\n";
28:                 print "Found $code_calls incrementors in the code (in $directory)\n";
29:                 return undef;
30:             }
31:             else {
32:                 print "Found $symbols_with_aliasses create_alias declarations (in $directory)\n";
33:                 print "Found $code_calls incrementors in the code (in $directory)\n";
34:                 return 'Mismatch of count of create_alias declarations and create_alias incrementors';
35:             }
36:         };

1.1. alias creation count consistency checker

1. Part of expected output

2. This test is currently not executed
(disabled is 'This test worked until I added code for automatic generation of the grammar rules.  Likely this made hierarchy/symbols more complicated such that this test triggers bugs in Data::Transormator.')