Main Neurospaces logo neurospaces 0.1675 Thu, 27 Dec 2007 15:58:18 -0600 hugo

Index of group ./specifications/variables



1. Verbose variable

1. Verbose variable

Startup command : bin/genesis-g3

(No model has been loaded for the following set of commands.)

1.1. Is startup successful ?

1. Expected output
GENESIS 3 shell

1.2. Can we find information about the different verbosity levels ?

1. Executed command
list verbose
2. Expected output
verbosity levels:
    description: used for software development and maintenance
    description: display only error state information (an error state makes it impossible for an application to complete)
    description: 'display information, warning and error messages (lists messages about important events generated by an application)'
    comment: this is the default
    description: display warning and error state information (a warning state allows an application to continue but you should thoroughly check any output)

1.3. Does the verbose_level variable have a legal value ?

1. Executed command
2. Expected output

verbose_level: warnings

1.4. Can we set the verbose_level variable to a different legal value ?

1. Executed command
set_verbose debug
2. Expected output

1.5. Does the verbose_level variable have this new legal value ?

1. Executed command
2. Expected output

verbose_level: debug

1.6. Can we set the verbose_level variable to an illegal value ?

1. Executed command
set_verbose texan_deadbeaf
2. Expected output
*** Error: verbosity texan_deadbeaf does not exist in the current environment

1.7. Does the verbose_level variable have this illegal value (should not) ?

1. Executed command
2. Expected output

verbose_level: debug