Integration Tests for SSP

Below you find all the test specifications for SSP. The tests consist of ssp stand-alone as well as integration tests with Heccer only, and with the Neurospaces model container and Heccer.

These tests should give a broad idea of how working with SSP, Heccer and the model container is like. But don't let this discourage you to use any of the packages stand-alone or otherwise, e.g. integrating Heccer with a different modeling package.

Hugo Cornelis
Last modified: Thu Nov 20 19:25:26 CST 2008

Main Index

./specifications1 test definition file(s)
./specifications/builtins2 test definition file(s)
./specifications/integration14 test definition file(s)
./specifications/integration/active3 test definition file(s)
./specifications/integration/heccer2 test definition file(s)
./specifications/integration/segments1 test definition file(s)
./specifications/optimization1 test definition file(s)
./specifications/ssp2 test definition file(s)

Total of 101 tests (7 command definition(s) disabled, with in total 7 test(s) disabled, 11 individual command test(s) disabled)